The more you want the job, the more desperate you come off in the room, but you still need to take acting seriously, otherwise this is just going to be a hobby. You must have a life outside of acting so that you don’t go crazy only thinking about acting, […]
Just watched an advanced screening of Crazy Rich Asians and I’m pretty overwhelmed with emotion right now. Keeping it spoiler free because you gotta watch this film! (Full disclaimer that I’m from a mostly ethnically Chinese family and grew up in Southeast Asia, so this film felt REALLY personal to me.) It’s […]
Crazy Rich Asians
Holy shit this game. I spent a lot of time playing the original God of War trilogy, specifically God of War 2’s Titan mode (gods damn you Titan mode. For what it’s worth, I did beat it, and it’s probably the one random gaming accomplishment I’ll keep bringing up), so […]
God of War
Alright, first post! Get ready for my take on things like movies, tv shows, and videogames because how else can I justify my procrastination? To future creepers: you’ve made it back this far, congrats! You really care about what I have to say, I guess. I wish I had something […]